Here you’ll find practical guidance of ways to incorporate Mindfulness into your leadership and day-to-day lives. These are sent out to the Empowering Leadership mailing list fortnightly so if you would like to receive these straight into your inbox just sign up below.

If you have time to go further check out the Resources page for my latest blogs about Mindfulness and leadership alongside articles, videos, podcasts and books for you learn more.

how to replenish your resources this summer

19 July 2024

how to slow down time

24 May 2024

how to check in on yourself

14 June 2024

how to find hope in the every day

3 May 2024

how to give our greatest gift

28 June 2024

how to practice renewal

22 March 2024

how to lead with intention

19 April 2024

How to live in the in between moments

1 March 2024

how to be your own leadership guide

12 January 2024

how to handle overwhelm

2 February 2024

strengthen belonging

July 7 2023

find refuge in turbulent times

March 17 2023

hoe to rest in stillness

December 16th 2022

How to find balance with a growing to-do list

14th January 2022

how to cultivate kindness

12th November 2021

how to find inner peace when the storm beckons

8th October 2021

how to bring closure

11th June 2021

how to cultivate calm

28th January 2022

a year of awe and wonder

January 13th 2023

meeting life as it is

15 December 2023

how to give thanks

November 24 2023

fill your resevoirs

July 21 2023

Live wisely with endings and beginnings

May 12 2023

make breath your ally

April 28 2023

Give the gift of kindness

December 2nd 2022

how to surf the tide of overwhelm

24th June 2022

How to give yourself fully to the day

November 10 2023

How to be with suffering

October 20 2023

bring heart into the new school year

September 8 2023

appreciate yourself

June 23 2023

reclaim your mornings

May 26 2023

renew yourself

March 31 2023

how to re-set balance and find calm

27th January 2023

For previous editions of ‘Practical Guidance click here.